People use heroin for a pleasuring feeling. Forexample a surge of enjoyable feelings called the "rush." And a warm, calm feeling.Heavy, slowed feeling in the arms and legs. Also an increased sense of well-beingand confidence.Drug trafficking depend upon the amount of drugs you have in your possession,though the specific amount differs depending on the type of drug. For example, astate's laws may define marijuana trafficking as possessing 25 pounds or more ofmarijuana or 300 pounds or more of marijuana plants. On the other hand, thesame state could define trafficking of cocaine as possessing 28 grams or more ofcocaine. Anytime you possess an amount of drugs over the trafficking limit youcan be convicted of drug trafficking.The fines associated with a drug trafficking conviction are also serious. Statetrafficking convictions can commonly come with fines of $25,000 to $100,000 ormore. Federal drug trafficking convictions can exceed $10 million. Trafficking caneasily result in a prison sentence of 10 years or more, some states have higherpenalties. Life sentences are also possible for drug trafficking.January 30th, 2014 – Three men involved in separate drug trafficking operationsin Burlington, New York, were sentenced to lengthy prison terms by a federalcourt. Brent McDonald was sentenced to 151 months after pleading guilty to fourcounts of possession and distribution of crack cocaine and heroin. Eric Zuperreceived 78 months for conspiracy to distribute heroin and cocaine and KevinBlack Harris was sentenced to 151 months for cocaine
People use heroin for a pleasuring feeling. Forexample a surge of enjoyable feelings called the "rush." And a warm, calm feeling.Heavy, slowed feeling in the arms and legs. Also an increased sense of well-beingand confidence.Drug trafficking depend upon the amount of drugs you have in your possession,though the specific amount differs depending on the type of drug. For example, astate's laws may define marijuana trafficking as possessing 25 pounds or more ofmarijuana or 300 pounds or more of marijuana plants. On the other hand, thesame state could define trafficking of cocaine as possessing 28 grams or more ofcocaine. Anytime you possess an amount of drugs over the trafficking limit youcan be convicted of drug trafficking.The fines associated with a drug trafficking conviction are also serious. Statetrafficking convictions can commonly come with fines of $25,000 to $100,000 ormore. Federal drug trafficking convictions can exceed $10 million. Trafficking caneasily result in a prison sentence of 10 years or more, some states have higherpenalties. Life sentences are also possible for drug trafficking.January 30th, 2014 – Three men involved in separate drug trafficking operationsin Burlington, New York, were sentenced to lengthy prison terms by a federalcourt. Brent McDonald was sentenced to 151 months after pleading guilty to fourcounts of possession and distribution of crack cocaine and heroin. Eric Zuperreceived 78 months for conspiracy to distribute heroin and cocaine and KevinBlack Harris was sentenced to 151 months for cocaine