Mr. Sanchez
Health Career
17 February 2017
Heroin is a highly addictive drug that is used mainly by teenagers and young adults. Researchers have found that people who use heroin tend to become addicted. As the user of the drug becomes addicted they will spend more of their energy and more of their time obtaining the drug. Heroin will eventually take control and change the persons brain, thoughts, actions, movements and even personality. Heroin has many different names that people call it. The main street names for this drug are Blacktar, The Big H, Brown Sugar, Junk, Dope, Chiva, La Buena, and Smack. All of these street names are used depending on the area people live in and where they come from. Heroin is made from a substance that is found inside of the Opium poppy plant's seed pod. To be able to make the heroin substance, the milky sap must be removed from the plant's pod. This poppy plant is grown all around the world even though it is illegal in the United States of America, making it …show more content…
The user will most likely wear long sleeves to cover up their inner arms where they would most likely inject the heroin into their body. Their speech will start to become slurred or it will become hard to be able to understand what they are saying. They will loose their appetite, and have flu like symptoms. Like any drug, heroin has short term and long term effects from using it. Some short term effects after the drug has been used is that the persons mind will be "foggy or clouded". The person will be put in a drowsy state, and their skin will become warm and flushy. Some people will have experiences after they have used heroin, when their feet and hands will became heavy. The muscles of the user will also become very weak. Another short term side effect is that the users mouth will also become dry and they will have a runny