Health risks include: lung damage, Danger to to the heart, and kidney failure. You can also find remnants of heroin around their home or anywhere they have been staying. The person using may have syringes or small metal pipes. Someone who is dissolving the drug and injecting it may leave dirty spoons and lighters lying around. A person injecting heroin may need something to enlarge the veins, such as a belt. If you suspect a person may have just used there are fast acting symptoms of heroin once they are high. The user will experience dry mouth and their skin will flush. The user’s will constrict and they will feel heavy and dopey. The user may fall in and out of wakefulness. When falling in and out of wakefulness the user will nod off suddenly. If they are asleep check their breathing, because it slows down. When awake the user experiences memory loss and their decision making skills deteriorate. The user also may experience itching …show more content…
As heroin use continues the most destructive long-term effect is the addiction itself and the dependence of the drug. If the user is dependent on the drug there is no way to help the long-term or short-term effects. Over use of heroin over prolonged amounts of time, the their body will produce a physical dependance of the drug, which only motivates the user to keep abusing the drug. There are many long term effects of heroin, this may include: Adverse Health problems (HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, collapsed veins, etc), Social Problems, Insomnia, Financial problem, and even death or suicide. (Heroin Abuse Causes, Addiction Signs, Symptoms and Side