Well, despite the victory today, if Santa Anna escapes, he has the remainder of the Mexican Army, some 5000 men, nearby that could march quickly to San Jacinto and probably cause Sam Houston and his 1000-1500 men to resume his retreat across Texas. Otherwise, if we capture Santa Anna, who was not only the General of the Mexican Army but also the Dictator of Mexico, we can end the war here.…
Christopher McCandless, a college graduate coming from a well to do family, drops everything in his life so he can embark on an adventure that he lacks the skill and knowledge to survive. Chris aka Alexander Supertramp makes questionable choices throughout his voyage to Alaska leaving the reader to decide whether Chris’ admirable choices outweigh his stupid ones. Although the road that Chris pursues is an admirable path, the way he carries out his choices is unintelligent and…
Midwest Student Exchange Program General Purpose: To persuade Thesis: The Midwestern Higher Education Compact should require all member states and their public institutions to join the Midwest Student Exchange Program. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: Even going to college a few miles across the border can raise a student’s tuition thousands of dollars. B. Common Ground: Many high school students pursue a college education in a state other than their home state.…
Aptly-named Lakeland, Florida is home to thirty-eight lakes, the largest, Lake Palmer, covers 2,550 acres. When you ask a Lakeland resident where they live, they will likely tell you which lake they live near, not what section of the city where they reside. With the swan-filed lakes and parks surrounding the larger lakes, Lakeland has a unique, charming character. Population and Getting Around…
The indian removal act it was a political and military action proposed by the seventh president of the United States Andrew Jackson on removing the Native Americans (Indians) by force from their home land, which today is the state of Georgia, and move them to the West of Mississippi and Oklahoma. Edward Everett, Massachusetts politician, was against the removal act by forced and claimed: “Nations of dependent Indians, against their will, under color of law, are driven from their homes into the wilderness. You cannot explain it; you cannot reason it away.... Our friends will view this measure with sorrow, and our enemies alone with joy.” Although the Cherokee tried to maintain their territory and a good relationship with the US Government by assimilating to american-european culture, in the early 19th century the state of Georgia forced itself on the Cherokee Nation territory…
By living in New England, you are almost guaranteed at least one snow day a year. It is just a proven fact. Last week, we celebrated a glorious snow day on campus. Even though it was not like the blizzard of 2015, it still seemed to live up to it.…
The first ever Columbus Day celebrations were held in 1792 in New York City, marking the 300th anniversary of Columbus’ ‘discovery’, 100 years later in 1892 the US president Benjamin Harrison made an official announcement that encouraged American citizens to celebrate the 400th anniversary. Harrison wrote “On that day let the people, so far as possible, cease from toil and devote themselves to such exercises as may best express honor to the discoverer and their appreciation of the great achievements of the four completed centuries of American life”. Later in 1937, Franklin D.Roosevelt was president, it was he who proclaimed Columbus Day a national holiday, originally observed every October 12, it was fixed to the second Monday in October in…
Deer Hunting Here are the figures on how safe this blood sport really is. How can a sport where adults and the young run around the woods and over water while carrying loaded firearms really be safe? Each hunting season newspapers and television news broadcasts inform the public of hunting tragedies ranging from accidental shootings and drowning, to fatal falls from tree stands. Is hunting just an accident waiting to happen?…
The Dallas Morning News article written by Madlin Mekelburg, brought up a controversial topic in both the Texas and federal government. According to Mekelburg, there are two pending laws in Texas legislature that would “allow Texans to carry a handgun (open or concealed) without obtaining a gun license and completing the required safety training” (Mekelburg). It was just two years ago that open carry and the ability to carry on a campus became legal with the required training. If this law were to pass anyone could obtain a gun without education. The lawmakers however, state that if a person would have been denied the right to a gun with the current system, they would also not be granted the right of one if this law were to be passed.…
On April 28, 1992, Chris McCandless stepped foot into the woods, a journey that would last four months, coming to an end much earlier than he would’ve hoped. In August of 1992, just four months after Chris walked alone into the wild, his perishing body was found by a party of moose hunters. Chris went into the wild hoping to get away from corrupt society and to live a transcendentalist lifestyle. His bold journey was going well until he made a silly mistake when he came across seeds from the wild potato. The seeds themselves are not what killed Chris, it was the amino acids in the seeds that caused him to slowly become paralyzed due to his malnutrition and physical state.…
I think we should be taught all we need to but I don't think we should take a state test to prove anything. I understand why we take test at school to make sure we learn what we're covering so why should we need to take another state one. We already have other standardized and state test we have to take so I would rather not add another one to the list. Students have enough pressure on them and adding more states test would not help us in any way.…
Whaling has been a controversial activity for some years now. Whales in today’s society have been regarded as “gentle giants” and highly intelligent animals, which is true. Some nations however, such as the Norwegian and Japanese have whaling deeply rooted in their culture and history. For many centuries, their ancestors took part in whaling as a means to sustain their life, livelihood and culture. I agree with the Norwegian and Japanese position on permitting the hunting of non-endangered species of whales as a cultural exemption, given that the hunting of the whales is regulated to prevent over-hunting so that the whale population can replenish.…
Alejandro Vieyra Mr. Moody English 4 5 December 2016 Climate Change Must Stop Climate change is the changing of weather patterns in regions all around the world. The primary cause of climate change is the appreciable amount of fossil fuel emissions that humans are sending into the atmosphere. These emissions consist of carbon dioxide that ultimately retain more heat in our atmosphere than needed, thus elevating the temperature everywhere around the globe and damaging ecosystems greatly. Many people, including politicians and scientists, believe that climate change is simply a hoax. Although some prefer to believe that climate change is fake and we have nothing to worry about, there are concrete facts that prove these individuals wrong.…
In 1960 DDT was banned because it was killing our beloved Eagles. The Eagle is now making a comeback. There are about 30,000 Bald Eagles in Alaska and Canada, and about 2,500 in the 48 states. The Eagle has been our Symbol for the United States since 1782 for its ?fierce and independent image.? The Cheetah is an Endangered Species because people are hunting it for its fur, loss of habitat, and because people think it?s a pest.…