I found myself being disrespectful toward teachers. In middle school, I was always getting in trouble always getting suspended. I started hanging around the wrong crowed, boys and girls. I was so hurt that my grandma was gone, I felt like no one else understood. Me and those groups of people were picking fights with people. Was talking back to the teachers when I didn’t want to be bothered. I treated people bad trying to release pain that I didn’t know how to deal with. Those so called “friends” was bringing me down for more failure. Parents were looking down on me, but I did have this one friend who was trying to be positive leading me in the right direction. He eventually found ways for me to not be around those negative minded people by doing things I like to do such as playing pool and go bowling. My friend is also a former student of this Fresh Start program which is how I found out about Penn …show more content…
My other grandmother (my father mother) had a work incident which caused her to leave work permanently. When that occurred I was working at McDonalds. I started helping her out with keeping food in the house and other small things. A couple months later I was so focused on having money I got a second job, at Legoland. That job helped out a lot because I eventually got my first car and helped my family that needed me financially at the time. There was times I needed help myself and my friend was always there to help me. He wasn’t on to me about finishing school as much because he knew what was going on. But once everything got on track he Pushed me to go to school more and more at that time I was in the “polk acceleration academy”. He helped me everyday for a month before telling me he was leaving for college. He felt like I wasn’t getting very far in that program so he referred me to the fresh start program, even though he didn’t want me to attend