When all of the sudden he jumps up and pummels the tree thugs. We get out of the car and approach him slowly. He suddenly lunges at me, i catch him in mid air, I immediately tell Matthew to get the rope out of the back of my car. When he returns I tie the young boy up, when i am finished tying him up I throw him in the trunk of my …show more content…
“RUN!!” I scream as we bolt away from the scene, the car explodes moments later. When we near the NSA base we see Russian tanks and military personnel, “Oh, h@ll naw” Ja’Quizz says, We start scaling the tree unnoticed by the Russians, and once we jump onto the roof we notice Vladimir Putin and Edward Snowden surrounded by 4 Russian mercenaries. Before I can stop him Matt pulls out a gun and unloads an entire mag on them killing two of them, the targets are escorted out by the mercenaries. The tank swung around and fired at us. It collapsed the roof and we fell in. We hop up and make sure everyone’s alright. They thought we were dead so that bought us some time to search the base. Matthew took some software and Ja’Quizz and I watched the entrance while Matt took more info. Then out of nowhere I hear “Oni vse yeshche zhivy” (they’re still alive) We quickly took care of them. “Vse napadayut na amerikantsev” (everyone attack the americans) Just then Matt throws a smoke bomb and him and Ja’Quizz sneak out the back whilst I spray and pray. I throw a random grenade and