Looking back on old memories, however, I could suddenly see that it was a much larger part of my personality than I thought it was. Some of my first memories are of "performances" that I would put on in the sweltering southern heat for my great grandpa in return for candy cigarettes. I remember coming home the last year I was able to go down to Mississippi and see him for the summer and pretending he was listening during my first couple flute lessons. I loved playing flute more than anything; something about hitting the high notes was exciting, as if every note above the staff was its own achievement. Years down the road I would join choir and feel the exact same way about singing soprano
Looking back on old memories, however, I could suddenly see that it was a much larger part of my personality than I thought it was. Some of my first memories are of "performances" that I would put on in the sweltering southern heat for my great grandpa in return for candy cigarettes. I remember coming home the last year I was able to go down to Mississippi and see him for the summer and pretending he was listening during my first couple flute lessons. I loved playing flute more than anything; something about hitting the high notes was exciting, as if every note above the staff was its own achievement. Years down the road I would join choir and feel the exact same way about singing soprano