Getting everyone into the car was a struggle. Everyone was tired and uncooperative. I almost fell asleep in the shower, then I heard my mother yelling at my siblings to hurry up. I quickened my pace. With this newly acquired …show more content…
We used to play I spy and pass the time together before technology became prominent in our lives. A pair of earbuds were in everyone's ears. Over the music I was listening to, I could hear my brother and sister fighting. I was stuck in the back seat with them. Suddenly, an all-out shoving war broke out. I tried to recoil to my side. My mom stopped the fight quickly, and I went back to my music. Taking a pillow from the back, I drifted off to a music induced sleep.
I woke up naturally to what I learned was Iowa. There was an odd silence in the car. Everyone was staring in awe at the grandeur of the buildings around them. Personally, I was enthralled by the majesty of the lake. I could hardly see the other side on the horizon. The sunset reflected its stunning rays off the surface. Seagulls screeched high above the lake. It looked like something out of a story book. We drove up to the hotel we were staying at. It had a beautiful view of the lake. My dad dropped my mom off to check us in and went to find a spot to park.
As I got out of the car, I stretched and my legs wobbled from six hours in a cramped car. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the bright sun. I looked up at the hotel and started to believe it may have been worth the long hours of boredom. Nah. I wish I could have dreamed through the whole