They view epilepsy with ambivalence, understanding the potential danger yet proud of its status as an illness of distinction-the first calling of a Shamanic healer. Sadly, the final outcome for Lia is not good. Her mother clings to the hope that she may see the return of Lia’s soul and witness her awaken from an irreversible vegetative state. In retrospect, the American doctors realized that the medication probably compromised Lia’s immunity allowing the bacillus that caused septic shock to take hold. This resulted in seizures that ended in Lia’s catastrophic outcome.…
As Strayed was mad at her mother for living her out in the world by herself. I’ve blamed my mother for all that has happened to me. I blamed her because I always felt that if she had been in a better health rather than mentally ill, then I think that she would have gave me a better example with life. My whole life I had to teach myself how to be a lady, respect others, and how to survive financially. Yes my mother at one point did tell me not to do bad things, but that wasn’t enough.…
Ni Kan felt her mother wanted her to be someone different. " you want me to be someone that I 'm not" "I sobbed" " I 'll never be the daughter you want me to be." (Tan389). If a mother is always trying to have a say in their life they will end up becoming…
“Someone call 911”, I said, when I saw a girl fall down the stairs lying unconscious. The nurse at Rockdale County High School assisted with the situation. My friend Fred and I held her so she wouldn’t hurt herself any more than had already been done. The nurse notified us that this girl has epilepsy (meaning that a person has had two or more seizures, but it’s not contagious & is not caused by mental illness or mental retardation). I didn’t pay too much attention to what the nurse was saying because I was focused on the girl's breathing and her ability regain consciousness.…
My mother sat there quietly in her room more than usual and all I heard from her talking on the phone was to keep my aunt in everyone’s prayers. My mother went to the hospital every day to be with her. Her condition only grew worse. I still remember seeing her bright smile and hearing her contagious laughter echoing down the hallway during the first week at the hospital. However, I also remember that she drastically changed over the next month.…
After the MRI, we were sent to a neurologist at Unity Point. It turned out that I had my first seizure and it wasn’t my last. The doctor said I would have to live with Epilepsy for the rest of my life. How did I react? I was scared of what people would say if I told them.…
Partial seizure is described as focal seizure. It take place in just one part of the brain that serves as an irritant pouring the epileptic response. In partial seizure, patient experience a range of bizarre or strange sensations including abrupt jerky movements of one body parts, alterations in hearing or seeing, discomfort in stomach or a sudden sense of fear. Consciousness is not impaired in this seizure (Shorvon et al., 2004). Partial seizures are further classified into simple partial seizure and complex partial seizure.…
Late in my sophomore year, I experienced the most grueling seizures of my life. They were constant, taxing, and there became the possibility of permanent brain damage. One day, I was completely overwhelmed by all of it, and I was drawn to the heart of Manhasset Theatre, Mr. Fessler, better known as Fess. He was the theatre director, a teacher, and always a friend. I explained that I might have to leave school temporarily to be homeschooled, and sobbed that I was struggling with the decision, as it was isolating and school was my only escape.…
Thankfully she survived and is now living a life she never dreamed possible due to the brain surgeries. For the first time in her life, she has been able to get a job, does not take all the seizure medicines, and although she does not drive, she is happy riding a bike or the city bus. Her self-imagine underwent a positive change, she is more confident and feels that she has been given a second chance to be the person she was meant to be. It has been a privilege to be by her side throughout all those years of struggle she and the family went through; the surgeries, and to witness the phenomenal change she has undergone. The family is no longer anxious wondering if she will be okay, or if she will attempt suicide…
I started walking at 12 months, I was really small because I was premature. I always would hide in cabinets, my grandma actually still has the cabinet I used to hide in! I was always running around doing something. When I turned two that’s when it got bad. I didn’t like getting told no, I would throw a fit.…
Epilepsy is a common nervous system disorder that is described by sudden and recurrent seizures [1]. World Health Organization (WHO) statistics show that approximately 50 million people worldwide currently suffer from epilepsy [2]. Epileptic seizures are categorized into focal (also called partial), generalized, and unclassified. In the focal seizures, the abnormal electrical discharges start with a localized region, whereas in the generalized seizures, the abnormal electrical discharges start in both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously [3]. Generalized seizures are usually divided into several main types, including absence typical (petit mal), absence atypical, myoclonic, clonic, tonic, tonic-clonic (grand mal), and atonic (astatic).…
We’ve found a tumor in her brain that caused her to have a seizure. “ My Mother started to cry . I tuned everything else out after the word cancer it repeated its in my head with a echo I always heard about cancer and how it was a big deal but I never knew anyone with it. When the rest of my family arrived the doctor gave them each the last speech and I saw the tears swelled up in their eyes.…
Epilepsy is a neurological condition that effects the nervous system causing seizures. A seizure is abnormal discharge of neurons, causing a sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain. Anyone can develop seizures and Epilepsy it just depends on if they have the necessary activators or stimilant to start it off. The first electrical theory of epilepsy was described by Robert Bentely Todd in 1849 during his Lumleian lectures he delivered to the Royal College of Physicians in London, England. Seizures are broken off into two types referred to as partial seizures and general seizures, within these two types there are over 40 different sub types of seizures.…
I walked out into the parking lot where my dad always picked me up from football practice. As I got closer, he got out of his car and walked towards me. He put his hands on my shoulders and said, “she died.” For as long as I can remember my mom was sick with cancer. My curiosity led me to her doctor’s appointments, where our family physician answered my questions about radiation and taught me how to give my mother insulin and take her blood pressure.…
I never imagined a day where my mom wouldn’t love me back. She taught me how to stay afloat, even when life was dragging me down. In this moment, I figured that I had reached my capacity for happiness; I thought that this was God telling me that I had my lifetime of joy in only seventeen years. It was then that I decided I deserved to live either in completely sorrow and agony, punishing myself for the pain I caused my mother, or not at all. The scars soon covered my legs and arms but were nothing compared to the gaping hole in my heart.…