Personal Narrative Essay: Mining In 1848

Improved Essays

Mining in this California weather is terrible. I bet there is not even a scrap of gold out there anymore. Probably, somebody took the motherload and is probably rich out there. I don't even know why I am still mining out here but I'm sure there is something out here.

Only 25¢?! Wow, barely anything out here just like I predicted. Even though this mining and panning is very taxing on my back, I just hope that I can still make a profit out of this. I hope my luck would have a brief vicissitude.

Later 1848

Didn't make a profit back there, but maybe this gold rush at Fraser River might pay back my losses.

Wow, so many homemade boat flowing down the river. Some rumors people told there was some conflicts between the Nlaka'pamux people but no major conflicts. People also rumor that some miners are going to start up a militia group. I thought nothing of this, and I continued to find the allegorical motherload.
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Also saw a huge line-up of First Nations trying to find work but to no avail. Newspapers stated that 70% of the Haidi Gwaii's First Nations' population had died. Over half of coastal First Nations population had died.


I think Van Horne's energetic vibe is making the work less unbearable. He makes instructions pellucid. I heard that Van Hornes was the superintendent of Chicago and Alton Railway. I bet there is no railway, he can't do. We did so much work as 800 km was laid last year and think we are going to do this miracle this year again. I just hope the government's funding will last until the final touches.


I can't believe it. There are using the rail even though it has huge gaps in it. I bet that Lake Superior going to hold many problems for the troops. However, I heard that Louis Riel is behind this commotion; I don't know what's going to

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