1. Acknowledge Describe your experience Chapter 3 from Tools for Mindful Living clarified the steps of the MAC Mindfulness Model – acknowledgment, attention, acceptance, and action. This chapter not only provided meticulous descriptions of the four steps of the MAC Mindfulness Model, but is also stood as a prodigious learning experience. I go through my life making innate habits, without realizing the steps I acquired to perform those actions, thoughts, or judgments. I remained able to take in this chapter information, and learn how to incorporate these four steps after, or during, an event.…
I woke up like any average morning. I got up to go see what we had to eat and to get a drink. I ended up making a strawberry Poptart and had a cup of water. As I was eating, I realized I hadn’t checked my phone at all. I saw that it was 9:00 am.…
Before sitting at the table to eat, I opened the window to feel the cool early morning breeze. While sitting at the table to enjoy the view and eat breakfast I pondered on what adventure I could get myself into on such beautiful day. After eating, I put my plate and glass in the sink. I went to my room and picked out an outfit to wear for the day, but…
It was a day in the middle of October when it hit me. At the time, I thought it was something sudden that I never felt before. Looking back now, I realize that it was in me for much longer than I recognized. Although I may regret the way it happened, I do not regret the results of it. That day changed not only the course of my life but my self-value as well.…
This paper will explain why I have chosen to review this particular book. I will explain how the book has made an impact on me and describe any changes I may decide to make as a result of reading this book. Specifically I will list two topics that were of particular interest to me, explain why, and provide examples of how my personal life or my practice may be affected. Book I chose the book 10 Minute Mindfullness: 71 Habits for Living in the Present Moment (written by Barrie Davenport and S.J. Scott) because of the title. Personally I identify with the idea that we usually are in such a hurry to get to the next thing on our list, that we fail to experience anything “in the moment”.…
Day 7, Regenerate your energy and emotions, by applying the walking meditation technique (especially at the end of the week, where you would like to start the next day, with a fresh pleasant vision of yourself). Finally you have reached day 7 of your program. It has been quite interesting and enriching for you. You are now left, with one more tip before you are left on your own, to start reconnecting with yourself and simple things to do, to reorient yourself towards more positivity.…
For the first time I confronted fear of death was when I was thirteen years old. I was a middle school student in Korea back then. After eating lunch, my classmates and I were getting ready for the next class. The bell rang, and a teacher was coming into the classroom. When I unconsciously looked at front, I saw my friend cutting herself.…
Language and its deceitfulness has warped my mind into a permanent shape of complexity. It’s paradoxical craft allows it to connect people, but at the same time it acts as an agent of estrangement. Migrating from the small city of Vallecorsa, Frosinone in Italy to the opportunistic, enigmatic realm of America, I envisioned my 13 year-old Nonno (grandfather in Italian) arriving at Ellis Island, and immediately being overwhelmed by a scene of confusion as he watches the flapping lips of immigration officers failing to communicate with him. Nonno followed his instincts to Boston, where he miraculously settled down and shared his language and story with his new creation of an American family. Years later, when I contort my mouth in peculiar ways attempting to speak this unfamiliar language, I fail miserably and he chuckles.…
Never have I been more overtaken by fear than when I was sandwiched between two four-foot tall fifth grade girls sporting clunky running shoes and skyscraper high ponytails framed by neon headbands. I sneakily glance at them while wiping my sweaty hands onto my bright blue t-shirt and sparkly leggings donning my school colors. Behind us, the high-pitch cheers from the spectators of the annual All Island Track Meet ring through my ears. Every year, fifth graders from the three elementary schools in our district flock to the local high school track vying for the revered title of best elementary school.…
I began by concentrating on my breathing then listening to the mantra. I found myself more easily being able to…
It takes time and consistent practice to learning how to do mindfulness meditation. 1. Preparing for meditation Choose a place where you will not be interrupted or have distractions, a place that feels peaceful and detached you from your everyday life. It can be a secluded part of your home or next to a tree outside.…
I chose the book 10- Minute Mindfulness: 71 Simple Habits for Living in the Present Moment for my book review. The title of the book intrigued me because I struggle with stress, anxiety and the need to have everything planned out and perfect for the future. So, I decided to give this book a read because I would love to be able to live in the moment positively and enjoy my life and children instead of constantly worrying about the what-ifs and trying to pencil in every detail of the day ahead of me. .…
What is to be mindful? Not once did this question come to mind until I took this class. We humans have the tendency of living a fast lifestyle. Being aware is something that not always is put into perspective in order to have a mindful-living. Among the techniques provided in the textbook a mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook, incorporating methods of self-reflection into a daily routine contributes to a stress free life.…
have read many books along my schooling career but none that have helped my quite this much in my personal life. I am going to explain to you why I chose this book, how this book has impacted me, how this book relates to other practices, and finally, how this book will affect my practice and my personal choices. 10-minute mindfulness: 71 Simple Habits for Living in the Present Moment We had two choices of books, and I chose to read 10-Minute Mindfulness: 71 Simple Habits for Living in the Present Moment by S. J. Scott and Barrie Davenport.…
People who are organized and successful do these 15 habits in the mornings. The everyday responsibilities make us find it hard to organize our day and be completely functional. We even tend to develop habits that will later start being harmful to our health. But, there are those people who actually have found a way to organize everything and drastically reduce the stress during the day.…