We figured that my niece would have to see the error of her ways, get help, take classes, go to group therapy sessions, find a job and conquer her case plan. How long could that possibly take six months? The good news was that my sister who is the children’s Grandmother would be there to help us, getting the babies from daycare and coming home to help out while I juggled homework. We had it all planned out. My father, husband and I took turns taking my niece to her court dates and classes.…
I completely agree with you. I also felt the greatest challenge I will face will being able to receive sufficient funding. I found it interesting how you have witnessed policies, regarding funding, change without your knowledge. I'm sure it happens more often than we are aware of. I as well hope to be in a position that allows me to make changes to better serve my clients.…
If a client came in to see me at a social service center needing a place to stay, my first step would be to engage the client by establishing a professional relationship with them. This means making sure that the client understands that while I will care about them, the purpose of the relationship is to work together and equip them to address problems in their life. From there we would establish why they believe that they are seeing a social worker and begin to form a plan from there. Secondly, we would begin to analyze their strengths in their current situation to determine a path of action.…
As I entered my senior year of undergrad, I began looking for an opportunity to work with people requiring any form of health care assistance. Luckily, I came across an opening for a Personal Care Assistant (PCA) position in the school newspaper. At the time, I didn’t know exactly what a PCA was, but I knew I wanted to work one-on-one with patients, and this job would allow me to do exactly that. After I went through all the training that was required, it was finally time to meet my client. The only details my supervisor told me about my client were: his name, that I would be assisting in driving him around in his handicap accessible van, getting him dressed, monitoring him during his walking exercises, and that he was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy as a child and was bound to a wheelchair.…
This article was very interesting to me because I have experienced working in a toxic environment and seen firsthand the destruction it can cause. My previous mentor demonstrated dysfunctional behavior and abuse of power. I have always worked hard to perform at my best and be a great leader, I gained new dedication after my employment in that organization. My goal is to learn as much about healthy and effective leadership and to pass along those positive lessons to the individuals I mentor. I find this quite relevant to my career in the Human Resources field.…
My response to this selection is that Hornak made right decision, even though it took her long time to realize, but it would be hard for me If I were to change my career. It would be hard for me because I know I spent a lot time to study and it costs me a lot too. But I personally believe that we all need money, but I would also want to pick the major that I would enjoy in and which would make me proud. For instance, I like to help others…
Growing up thinking about a career I wanted to pursue was difficult. It varied from a tattoo artist all the way to where I am now with nursing being my main focus. It wasn’t until recently over the past three years when I realized this. Since my sophomore year I have managed for one of my high school sports. My sophomore and junior years I managed for volleyball.…
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” said Nelson Mandela. When President Obama launched the Young African Leaders Initiative in 2010 to support the emerging generation of African leaders, this was to educate us to change Africa. I believe this Professional Development Experience is intended to give Fellows practical training and the opportunity to learn transferable skills, and apply theories learned in civic leadership classes in the real-world setting. As a leader, I seek to participate actively and productively in the field of global health leadership and health policy and to fill a strategic position in a multinational institution working on promoting health, particularly in Africa.…
I have excellent written and verbal communication skills, with perfect grammar and spelling. I am also a fast typist. In addition to my academic work, my seven years of experience in the customer service industry, including three years as a team leader at Quick restaurant, gave me experience in responding efficiently and effectively to customers enquiries, solving problems, multi-tasking, and maintaining a high standard of customer service in a fast-paced environment.…
The idea of being told that I had to work for the first time made me want to eat glass; but could it possibly have turned out for the better? In England, when you reach 10th grade you participate in a nationally accepted program called 'Work Experience'. ' Work Experience' is when you work just like you would if you were legally an adult except with this program it only lasts a week. After 2 weeks of tireless searching I landed a job at Ariya Capital; an experienced developer and investor in clean energy and infrastructure projects throughout sub-Saharan Africa. It was actually much more advanced than any job I ever thought of getting.…
Outside of the electronic systems I feel that any court official helps make the court run efficiently. If I had to choose one individual I would chose a court administrator to be the one who has a high impact. My reason being is they are the eyes and ears for pretty much everything. These individuals are the ones who schedule trial dates and handle a majority of the official paperwork. The court administrator I feel is like the middle man to everyone.…
My career goals are to be successful and to change the current status of women around the world. This would not be easy as many have tried, but I believe that technology will be able to change the lives of many. I developed these goals through experiences with narrow-minded family members that do not believe that I am able to achieve all the I have because I am of the female…
My professional experience allows me to be an outstanding candidate for this position given that I have been taught by outstanding mentors and teachers of my past. I have learned and the incorporated various teachings. Teaching such as Professionalism and Work Ethics these I feel are experiences that I plan to pass to youth so our future can prosper with positive generations.…
I have more than seventeen years’ experienced with expertise in journalism, advertising, online marketing, public relations and mass communication. My professional experiences exposed me in the field of advertising like television, radio, print, email and outdoor advertisements. I have a strong working information of keywords, online advertising and social media. Working in the field of media has already established excellent working relationships to the member of the press and increased great interpersonal communications skills. I have worked out a lot of business and advertising projects with multiple media representatives.…
I have known from a young age that I wanted to do something exceptional in my life. Something about helping others drew me in, so I knew a career in the medical field would be my best fit. It was not until a traumatic day in my life occurred that made me realize I was bound to be a nurse. I have played volleyball for five year, my senior year was not an exception. Volleyball was the only sport I played and my passion.…