Personal Experience: Collaborating Aspects In The Workplace

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There aren't any specific things that anger me at my placement since the individuals I work with and the clients that come in are relatively nice. However, it can be frustrating at times to consistently do a lot of paperwork and there are moments where I have to wait around until someone has a task for me to complete. The paperwork aspect of it can become repetitive in a negative way since there are times where I'm not learning anything new and not gaining experience. The way I deal with this situation is by trying to take initiative. I will do this by asking around to see if any of the lawyers and assistants need help with anything. Sometimes a task will come up when I ask around and there are moments where they have nothing for me to complete. …show more content…
What I will miss from my placement is being able to be in a workplace environment. I have learned so much about the career of being a lawyer and the educational path that they take which has overall changed my thinking. There are so many things that I was not informed and aware of before. For instance, I didn't know that before going into law school, I could get my bachelor's degree in anything that I want to. This is something that I'm really happy to be aware of because It has changed the educational path I had planned out for myself previously because now I have so many more options for myself. I have also gotten a significant amount of advice from the lawyers, which is very kind of them. The two pieces of advice that have most stuck with me are that Inorder to get into law school I really have to work hard and find a way to differentiate myself in order to get accepted. Whether that's from grades, or work and volunteer experience. The other thing I have been told is that for my undergrad I should take a program that I will enjoy since it will motivate me to get good grades in order to get accepted into law school. This is definitely the advice I'm currently going to follow once I graduate high school and pick a program in a university that I know I will enjoy and do good at. Additionally, being in a workplace environment has pushed me to work harder in my classes and to preserve more because I definitely want to improve my work ethic if I choose to follow in this career

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