Seen as one of the of the most exceptional figures from the Archaic period, The Peplos Kore from Acropolis, Athens comes into the picture. This remarkable work of art from 530 BCE. is suggested to be a representation of a goddess because of the jewelry displayed and her specific garment. The word “Kore” is a type of figure that was found throughout Ancient Greece that depicted a female figure with clothes, while Kore’s male …show more content…
Looking at the Peplos Kouros and the Kouros, one can tell that the time span between the two sculptures had a lot to do with how people would have perceived them. In a today’s more modern society, Huffington’s Kouros is seen as the representation of the female body with the comparison of the Archaic Peplos Kouros given its similarities of medium and style. These two pieces have many similarities, but one thing that sets them apart is the own artist’s intentions for the sculpture in each of their own time eras. While the Peplos Kouros shows the start of curiosity of the female body, Huffington’s Kouros shows it’s audience the pure naturalistic elements of what is the female