When we look at the authorities ad people who are in higher power it seems like the get away from the discipline. If we think of the police and just the last few years of what has been happening, it seems that as though they managed to escape the panopticon. They do not seem to be getting the right discipline for the things they have done to innocent people which does not seem to be fair. Government makes decisions for the whole country and sometimes those decisions are not in the best interest of the citizens and yet they get away with it. Those who are in a higher position and is the authority seem to have more freedom. Yes, they are being watched by the press but they do not appear to be suffering the same consciences as the rest of the people. Those who have more money seem to be better off and escape many
When we look at the authorities ad people who are in higher power it seems like the get away from the discipline. If we think of the police and just the last few years of what has been happening, it seems that as though they managed to escape the panopticon. They do not seem to be getting the right discipline for the things they have done to innocent people which does not seem to be fair. Government makes decisions for the whole country and sometimes those decisions are not in the best interest of the citizens and yet they get away with it. Those who are in a higher position and is the authority seem to have more freedom. Yes, they are being watched by the press but they do not appear to be suffering the same consciences as the rest of the people. Those who have more money seem to be better off and escape many