Outcasts Of Society In Frankenstein Essay

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In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the Creature is an outcast of society, which is a person who is not accepted by society’s standards because people feel as if they “need” to be “normal”. Today’s outcasts of society are considered prisoners, a PTSD strickened veteran, or sociopaths. The outcasts of society are the most interesting people in the world because they are not what people in society call “normal”. These special people are the outcome of societal action directed towards those individuals.

Victor Frankenstein would be one of the outcasts of society in the novel because after he creates the monster or creature he starts becoming more distant from his closest friends and family. He is more sad, regretful, and feels as if everything around was caused by him originally, the butterfly effect. The Creature is an outcast of society due to his encounters with humans, they reject him or shun him away. The creature does kill the three closest people to Victor, but he did this because it was society that rejected him and caused him to commit these acts. Victor did create the monster but society is to blame for the actions directed towards the creature leading up to his
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One day we will stop checking for monsters under our beds because we will realize they are inside of us. The creature had to kill to survive his rejection from society because others did not and cannot adapt to change from their current way of life because they are not survivors, in the real world there is but one rule: hunt or be hunted. The creature is an outcast of society in Frankenstein due to his physical features and his violent actions to those who will not be his friend. Prisoners, sociopaths, and the Creatures of the world are outcasts of society due to society’s weak opinion towards the issues of what others may have mentally. Screw

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