The risk factors of osteoporosis are: getting older, …show more content…
Really the disorder is more along the lines of bi-bipolar disorder or even mild autism. In order to be diagnosed with BPD you need to show at least five of the following symptoms: extreme reactions to abandonment be that real or perceived, a pattern of intense and stormy relationships with family or loved ones (friends) often veering from extreme closeness to extreme anger, distorted or unstable image of oneself which can result in sudden changes of values (feelings/feeling/opinions) orplalns/goals for future (school or career), impulsive and often dangerous behavior (spending sprees,unsafe sex,substance abuses,reckless driving, and binge eating), recurring suicidal behavior or threats and cutting, intense and highly changeable moods lasting from a few hours to a few days, chronic feelings of emptiness and/and/or boredom, I appropriate intense anger, and having stress related paranoid thoughts or severe dissociative …show more content…
A specially trained professional can thoroughly examine a patient though interviews and questions with discussion of symptoms, eliminating other cases and disorders. Women with BPD are more likely to have co-occurring illnesses such as major depression, anxiety disorders, or eating disorders. Men co-occurring illnesses are more likely to be substance abuse or antisocial personality disorder. 85% of people diagnosed meet the criteria for other mental illness. In a national survey on mental disorders about 1.6% of adults in the U.S. have BPD in a given year, typically beginning in adolescence or early adulthood with some symptoms showing as early as childhood. With suicide being the leading associate of death-rates to this disease , as many as 80% of people with BPD have suicidal behavior, with about 4-9% of people committing suicide.
Treatment includes medication provided by medical specialists and different forms of psychotherapy. These include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Schema-focused Therapy. Long affecting people before 1980 the first case of close diagnosis is 1938 where Adolph Stern lists most of the diagnosis criteria and calls the group of people affected "The Borderline Group." Scientists generally agree that the disease is