Analysis Of On Becoming A Person By Carl Rogers

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On Becoming a Person is a book written by Carl R. Rogers it is a simple text on Humanistic and Existential psychotherapy. The book is written about work Rogers carried out during the nineteen fifty’s and sixty’s. The book has many interesting idea’s and perspectives on personal growth and development. In the book Rogers talks about the idea of oneself getting in touch with there emotions so that he or she might go about there life based on there real self rather living a life based on there false self or who they perceive themselves to be. The conflict between these two selves according to Rogers is a major cause of personal suffering. Rogers book on becoming a person goes into detail about what it means to move away from disguise and towards …show more content…
The client wants to grow, mature look at there issues and work them out, When the client is given the opportunity they will start to dig deep within themselves start to self explore and work through there issues. By Rogers using his approach of client centered or person centered therapy the client starts to understand himself and his feelings gains knowledge and makes the appropriate adjustments to better many parts of there life. Client centered therapy is not just designed to look at and fix one or two issues it also helps the client to accept and understand him or herself. Rogers accepts that personal development is a process and will not happen over night, according to Rogers this type of growth within the client should be a natural process but during the process unfortunately the client will experience a variety of setbacks during this developmental process thus they start to become lost or confused. But every person has an innate motivation inside them that wants to help them to grow and become stronger an the person they really want to be. This innate motivation within the client creates a desire that allows the person to become his or her own teacher and leads back to that very path where they want to go and becoming the person they really want to be. Throughout the book developing one’s self and helping others realize there potential is one of the main goals throughout the book. According to Rogers a person feels good when in the process of developing themselves, at an early stage in the therapist-client relationship a good feeling of congruence should be established. Rogers defined congruence as ‘’an accurate matching of experience and awareness’’. A therapist practicing person centered therapy must feel accepting, honest and open with there client, so that there reactions fully show an accurate awareness of his or her feelings and there

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