In the article “Beyond Survival English” by Tamar Jacoby the author presents her opinion and explains how english is good but being bilingual benefits you even more. Immigrants come into the United States because there is more success in America. Learning academic english is important because of the popularity of the english language. In addition being bilingual benefits you even more by giving you a higher salary, helps you translate for other people, and helps you on interviews and finding jobs etc.…
Oftentimes, people who speak more than one language are seen as intelligent and resourceful. They may receive comments such as, “Wow, that’s so difficult! I could never do that!” But to bilingual individuals, the ability to speak two languages is barely scraping the bottom of the barrel. Two bilingual authors by the names of Martín Espada and Richard Rodriguez have plenty to say about their definition of what bilingualism truly is.…
“Aria” by Richard Rodriguez is an essay that shows the readers a part of life that many have never experienced. Rodriguez uses this essay to show how he fights through his childhood tounderstand English. He faces society while forfeiting his happy home life trying to become a typical English-speaking student. He establishes a connection with the audience through his personal experience as a child. He uses imagery and narration to clarify his opposition to bilingual education .Rodriguez…
Intellectual Bilingual-Communication In “Hidden Intellectualism” by Gerald Graff, he thinks streets smarts should be considered an intellectual attribute. Also, colleges and universities tend to pay close attention to all the information written in books and do not allow their students to develop those skills that can help them succeed in the future. Graff’s point is that college and school should consider students attributes and talents and not only to see all students’ interests through “academic eyes” such as books and old history. In addition, expressing his appreciation for street smarts, Graff argues that “schools and colleges are missing an opportunity when they do not encourage students to take their nonacademic interests as objects…
Universally, bilingualism is know as the speaking of two or more languages fluently. However, bilingualism has a far deeper meaning. I believe that bilingualism is the combination of two or more cultures and their languages into one’s life, and that it is the ability to communicate with a variety of people, not just people from one’s own countries. Throughout their essays, essayists Rodriguez and Espada develop different definitions of bilingualism.…
Being bilingual opens new horizons for several people in the world. If all people were bilingual, everyone would be able to communicate more fluently, without the need for translators or people stammering in attempt to talk in another language. Moreover, a second language can provide you with better business opportunities, like a job with a Latino country if you know Spanish or Latin. Overall, having even a few words from a second “lengua” stashed in your memory for later use can benefit you immensely in the future. First of all, you could be a translator.…
Even though one common language is important in the connection of this country, the other languages must not go without value. Even though there seems to be a popular “American” culture, the other cultures and values must not go without consideration. All deserve fair representation and opportunities within the public schools as well as in everyday life. As Herschel T. Manual states, “We must courageously attack the difficult problems of building a united community and adjusting education to the needs of children who come to us with differences which challenge our best efforts” (Manuel 639). Through bilingual education, students can feel value in their native language and culture while simultaneously learning English.…
Being able to communicate with other people in a different language will help people understand different…
In a modern world like ours, it has become commonplace for people to know more than one language. Being bilingual is an incredible asset in Canada that incredibly increases your job prospects or chance of being hired right out of university. It benefits you in various ways, ranging from knowing the language to help communicate with others, to having a successful and well paying job. Science proves that learning another language also improves your multitasking skills and improves your memory.…
Being bilingual is good for overseas study. It is good for people to travel to another country, and people travel overseas study. For example, when you meet new friends in another country, it is important to use their language to speak with them, and they will feel happy. As a bilingual you have less communication barriers, more advantage to make…
Have you ever wondered what is like for a no English speaking person to come to the United States for the first time? Let me walk you through my experience as a Hispanic moving into the United States. Is an experience I will never forget; I was in middle school in Puerto Rico when my mother told the family the news of us moving to Connecticut do to her finding a better career opportunity. It seemed like the idea of starting a new school in a new state was not enough considering it was not a Spanish speaking school. I was terrified.…
Studies also shows learning another language does predict brain health in old age and improves certain mental functions because you have to control the two languages you know, While you communicate in one language, you 've got to manage and control the other language." Also According to why everyone should learn a second language(march 21, 2015) by Kayla Mattew, said that being bilingual can improves your hearing by force you brain to pay more attention to the surrounding around you and helps improve memory and eliminate some bias and making better decision. (greater attention focus ognitive performance on tests and had greater attention focus, distraction resistance, decision-making, judgment and responsiveness to feedback Language learning is described as a kind of re-wiring of the brain which can form new neurons and connections among the intellectual network. So adding another language to…
A lot of people do not understand that not everyone speaks English. Bilingualism means being able to communicate effortlessly in two languages. However, not only speaking, but reading and writing fluently as well. I am grateful to have been taught how to read and write in Spanish while attending church. I am also appreciative to have learned English at a very young age, because little did I know that it would become a big role in my life.…
The Benefits of Bilingualism Being bilingual means being able to use two languages effectively in four skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening. Because of the demanding of English language in almost every aspect of life since English language is one of the global languages, there are a lot of people who are willing to learn English as a second language to improve their life. However, learning second language is not limited to English only, but also there are different languages that can be learned as second language. For example, Mandarina, Arabic, Spanish and Hindi are at the top of the most five spoken languages in the world (Summary by language size, n.d.). Since bilingualism is one of the worldwide phenomena, there are so many advantages of being bilingual.…
If one takes the time to understand and comprehend the culture and language from various people, one can comprehend that there is a larger world outside of one’s country, a world larger than could ever be imagined. Learning a new language could even be compared to having the ability to teleport, in the aspect that having a new language under one’s (figurative) belt facilitates the ability to travel. Another magnificent opportunity that comes from being bilingual is the ability to meet all kinds of new and interesting people. One can learn from these new people, and begin to understand things that one has never personally or directly experienced before. And who knows, interacting with a new person could influence the appreciation and practice of a new and exciting hobby, this interaction can bring about some new ideas, tastes, books, and whatever else contributes to make the life more valuable and meaningful.…