One trait that shows us that Odysseus is a hero, is how well he speaks.
“So you ask me the name I’m known by, …show more content…
But heaving myself aloft to clutch at the fig-tree’s height, like a bat I clung to its trunk for dear life- not a chance for a good firm foothold there, no clambering up it either, the roots too far to reach, the boughs too high overhead, huge swaying branches that overshadowed Charybdis. But I held on, dead set… waiting for her to vomit my mast and keel back up again- Oh how I ached for both! And back they came” (12, 464,473) This helps show the courage of Odysseus. Instead of hiding in his boat and hoping for survival, he takes matter into his own hands, risking his life by leaping out of the boat to a tree up above. A second example of Odysseus being courageous, is “I donned my heroic armor, seized long spears in both my hands and marched out on the half-deck, forward, hoping from there to catch the first glimpse of Scylla, ghoul of the cliffs, swooping to kill my men" (12, 247-250). In this story, Odysseus is leading his men into battle against Scylla. Despite knowing he would probably lose, Odysseus stood at the front of the lines with his men. I would compare this trait to a modern day police man, one who puts their life on the line for others, just as Odysseus was willing to do the same for his …show more content…
One example of his strength, is “Kicked his hip, he couldn’t knock the beggar off the path, he stood his ground so staunchly. Odysseus was torn… should he wheel his staff and beat the scoundrel senseless? Or hoist him by the midriff, split his skull on the rocks? He steeled himself instead, his mind in full control.” (17, 255-259) In this scene, Odysseus demonstrates both strength of the mind and the body. He steels himself despite a large blow, and refrains from violence when he is flooded with anger. Another example of Odysseus’ strength, is “Wheeling round, he let loose with his great hand and the stone whirred on…. Flying past all other marks”. ( 8, 219-223) This is just sheer physical strength, demonstrated in the throwing of the discus. A modern day hero I feel exemplifies this trait, is Gandhi. With his acts of starvation, he showed tremendous mental strength. When Odysseus restrained from violence, in a situation where he was clearly furious at the suitors, he demonstrated similar mental