1. What is the purpose of F.2 in the context?
2. Why the rpm of 46, 48 were used, and the 48 rpm was chosen during the validation check?
3. What are the security systems used other than Doctor Authentication?
Structure Issues:
1. Missing: Some elaboration on any similar previous work that tried to use a similar method of analysis.
2. Fig. 6 come a little early and might be swapped with the paragraph that stats on the right column, line 15 page 5.
Typo and Style:
1. Page 5:
a. Figure 6: the title uses “ (a) and (b)” format, but in the rest of the paper it is with a single bracket ( i.e. “a) and b)”.
b. Figure 3 and Figure 4 also have the same issue.
2. Page 6:
a. Left paragraph
i. Line 43, 44, 47and 48: the “s” for seconds