Kali is a live Linux distribution which can be put onto a USB and loaded directly onto a computer. Kali, having being bundled with a variety of testing tools such as Wireshark and Metasploit Framework, is utilized to assess the security of a target machine. The creator of Kali, Mati Aharoni first thought of the idea during a consultation which banned the use of external hardware as well as the stipulation that client computers could only be used if the data remained untouched. He then thought to use a live Linux distribution to assess the client’s security flaws. From that day, he eventually developed and perfected the Kali Linux distribution.
As stated previously, Kali comes bundled with a variety of features and one of the main networking analysis tools included is Wireshark. Wireshark is an open source GUI based packet analyzer with features such as the ability to live capture of packets as …show more content…
It is one of the key features to test penetration included in Kali. Furthermore, Kali includes Armitage, which is a Metasploit tool which allows a team to share sessions, hosts, event logs and most importantly share access to their exploited hosts. Bots, which can be written using a language called Cortana, can also be utilized to further assist in exploitation using Armitage. Armitage will also check and see which exploits are viable and effective on your targeted machine. Once the initial exploitation is completed, you will be able to perform greater degrees of exploitation such as logging keystrokes and accessing the file system. Lastly, another key penetration tool included in Kali is sqlmap, which can automate the process of SQL injections and ultimately take over a database. Using this tool, a user can manipulate data on target’s database as well perform a variety of commands to retrieve and output