Looking over the virtual art exhibit the display begins with examples of art created and influenced by the Renaissance followed by examples new pigments, collapsible paint tubes and storage that allowed painters to leave the studio and paint wherever they wished. With substantial information provided on the creation of impressionism during the time period the exhibit ends with a couple of paintings using impressionism to show the overall change in color, technique, and insight of art. Curating pieces and placing them in a chronological order, viewers are able to see the transformation from one style to another with new advancements in the art world due to the Industrial Revolution happening during this time. While I am not the curator myself I believe that the intended audience of the museum are artists and history buffs interested in the creation and production of items that led to the introduction of impressionism. I believe that artists and history buffs are the museums intended …show more content…
Many art museums display art pieces and inform viewers on techniques, color, and the artists background, however, this museum brought in and displayed artifacts. Using items such as a storage bag, paint tubes, and paint pigments the North Carolina Art Museum provides these and related information to show how the Industrial Revolution, its creation of new machinery, and its advancement of science was the true catalyst for the introduction of impressionism into art