No Kill Shelter Research Paper

Improved Essays
Hook: The no-kill shelter movement can have negative effects that could be prevented.
The no-kill animal shelter can spread disease, is sometimes considered animal hoarding, and is causing the animals at the shelter to not receive enough care.
First Main Topic: Bringing animals from other countries spreads disease.
Veterinarians are concerned because transporting animals into other regions spreads different diseases that some animals aren’t used to.
“For example, consider that troops are bringing pets home from the Middle East. What health issues do they bring along?” Smith-Blackmore pg.24
Bringing animals in from overseas can transmit diseases from other countries. The American Heartworm Society is focused on growing concerns
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“There is the potential for abuse and even animal hoarding.” Krebsbach pg.26
Having an excessive amount of animals in one place can lead to abuse or hoarding.
The amount of animal cruelty rates are increasing due to the no-kill shelters.
“We are definitely seeing an increase in our cruelty report rates due to this.” Inge Fricke pg. 26
With more no-kill shelter hoarding animals more people are reporting it as abuse.
Most no-kill shelters are ran by hoarders.
Third Topic: The no-kill shelters are becoming overcrowded and are preventing the animals from receiving adequate care.
Austin, TX established a strict “90 percent live outcome” goal in 2010.
Animal Services didn’t have sufficient facilities and resources to meet the city’s outcome goal.
Many animals are not receiving enough care.
The overcrowding also led to the Animal Services not responding to 29 percent of the important calls.
Important calls are usually about aggressive, stray or injured animals.
Most calls were answered 12 or more hours after the call had been made.
Overcrowding is causing major problems with the care of the animals.
Fourth Topic: The Austin animal shelter is making improvement so they can provide better

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