The NMC is a code of standards that registered nurses must follow and agree to. When they are practising their duty of care to service user whether that is personal, communities or group. There is a set of standards for nurses to follow, however, the public and service users would like to see from nursing profession containing from the code to prioritise people, practice effectively while they are practising, maintain safety of the public as well as themselves, also to promote professionalism and trust. (NMC 2015) The NMC (2008) expects registered nurses to priorities service users putting their interest of needs including the care while considering their safety first as their main concern. …show more content…
When treating patients nurses must consider users dignity when they are caring for them effectively and to avoid any assumptions, as nurses they need to understand the different choices everyone makes and recognise the diversity they will come in contact with. As a role of a nurse they will need to understand users concerns that are on their health, changes to the medication, operations procedures concerns or that can affect them to their daily life and respond compassionately to help distress them, this will mean to take in on how they take in the information that’s provided to make sure they are understanding the information that is been provided and as a nurse you are supporting them. For example, a service user who can’t speak or understand English will need a translator to be able to translate into the language they require. However, as a patient they can refuse any care, medication due to The Human Rights Act 1998, which a nurse needs to respect the decision the service user has made but will have informed consent and is documented before any action can be taken after a decision is made.(NMC 2015) To ensure that nurses are looking after service users physical, psychological, social needs is met they would need to access their needs to require for to respond. To make sure this is met the nurses have to make sure they are looking at the best interest of the service users wellbeing and this would include preventing any ill-health by making sure the care plans that are set to be checked regularly to see any benefit changes to help service users wellbeing or follow up new changes of care. Working in partnership with the service users and their family or carer they would be considering the need to help in accessing applicable information about health or social needs that need to support outside of a hospital or their care setting, this includes looking …show more content…
In the UK by the law, nurse practicing can disclose information if a service user is at risk or harm to make sure a nurse can take action to ensure the user is prioritized to put into safety away from harm. In the latest NMC (2015) it now has included the right of privacy patient this