New Leaf is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) foster care organization located in Circleville, Oh, since 2003. They serve children and foster care parents in Pickaway, Pike, Ross, Franklin, Fairfield, Delaware and Fayette counties. They have eleven employees of which six hold social work degrees and perform case management services. It is required to have a Social Work licensing to perform case management. The mission statement of this agency is “Putting families with wants and kids with needs together.” Along with that is their vision statement: “Helping to cope, Opting for encouragement and community, Making it possible for a kid to be a kid again, Eager to listen.” “Our homes will effectively meet the needs of children, their primary families, and their foster families with respect to personal dignity and worth of each member. We will advocate for each child 's rights, encourage personal development, and embrace diversity. We will provide an environment focused on accountability, structured for individual needs and the betterment and safety of each child.” Their services include pre-adoptive infant foster care, family foster care, treatment foster care for children with specialized needs, independent living skills training- teaching life …show more content…
According to the (Ohio Department of Health, 2016), the number of fentanyl-related drug overdoses was 75 in 2012 and 1,155 in 2015, and while prescription opioids have decreased fentanyl and heroin use has increased, so the problems are real. The solutions to these problems are up for debate, but access and affordability of treatment programs would be helpful, in the meantime agencies like this will have to provide support after the