New Deal Dbq

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The United States was still entangled in the depression heading in to 1939. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal initiatives gave limited relief to a populace feeling the pain of unemployment, inflation, and shortages. Surprisingly, even with major changes such as increased federal spending, regulating prices, job placement programs, the enlargement of unions, more availability of home loans, the beginning of the social security program as well as the public's renewed faith in the government did almost nothing to bring prosperity to the people.

By the end of the 1930s, the unemployment rate in America was sitting at 17% with a poverty level of almost 30%; and those needing help the most secured few of the benefits touted in the New Deal. As it turned out, the New Deal did not end the depression as President Roosevelt had hoped. The financial crisis began to end only after the United States began preparations for a world war.

Towards the end of 1939, the United States decided it would be necessary to invest vast resources and money into national defense. Although Roosevelt had promised to
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This lead to a tremendous increase in demand for labor. Within months of the the United States entering the war, the national unemployment rate nosedived an astonishing 10% the level just a year before. The war effort created a massive increase in the production of equipment and weapons for the military. Combine this with the increase in defenses along American borders and the draft and suddenly there was a shortage in labor. Companies worked frantically to bring in new help and fill positions in order to meet the increased production demands. Suddenly there was a need on the part of companies to take steps unheard of prior to the war. Positions normally filled by white males were opened up to women, blacks, Hispanics and other groups previously denied the

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