Mrs. White
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela believed in equality among races. He fought in peaceful protests and armed resistances against the government to end apartheid permanently. In his lifetime he was arrested twice and had three marriages. He was the first black president of South Africa and lived to be 95 years old. He was also considered and philanthropist and a major weapon against racism. He also served as the president of the African National Congress for 6 years. Nelson’s main goal was to abolish racial inequality.
Nelson Mandela had a somewhat troubled childhood. He was born on July 18, 1918 and was given the name Rolihlahla which means “trouble- maker”. His father, Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa, lost …show more content…
Being only 24, and younger than most of the Africans in the ANC, Nelson and some other younger members banned together to form the African National Youth League inside of the ANC. The Youth League noticed the ineffective peaceful protest and started to involve boycotting and strike that eventually the whole ANC adopted. When Mandela was 26 he married Evelyn Mase on October 5. In 1946, Evelyn and Nelson had a son, Madiba, then a daughter, Makaziwe, two years later. In 1950, they had another son, Makgatho. Then in 1956, 151 people in the ANC including Mandela were arrested for treason charges and went to prison in 1962. Before Mandela went to prison him and Evelyn had another daughter, Zenani, the same year they got divorced and the same year Nelson married Winnie Madikizela and had a daughter, Zindziswa, two years later. In 1963, Nelson went to trial again for a 3-day strike he led in 1961, and was sentenced to life imprisonment with 10 other ANC leaders. Eighteen years into his sentencing he was moved to Robben Island where he earned a Bachelor of Law degree through a University of London correspondence