Nazi Medical Experiments Research Paper

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During World War II, doctors carried out at least thirty different experiments on prisoners (Tyson, "The Experiments"). They weren’t crazy scientists, rather they were actually well-learned doctors. They’re crimes to humanity were well planned and thought out. They tried to hide the evidence of what they had done, even years later their samples still remain. Nazi human experimentation, though not well known, was one of the most horrific parts of World War II.
The experiments were centered in many concentration camps perform by former healing doctors. Most of of the Nazi experiments happened around the time of the Third Reich during World War II ("Nazi Medical Experiments"). The camps of Sachsenhausen, Dachau, Natzweiler, Buchenwald, Neuengamme, Auschwitz, and Ravensbruck were primarily used ("Nazi Medical Experiments"). Some of the major convicted doctors were Horst Schumann, Josef Mengele, Karl Brent, Herta Oberheuser, Johann Kremer ("Nazi Medical Experiments") . This time period and its memories have been preserved to this day as an effort to warn people
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They would freeze prisoners by putting them in a bucket of ice water and then try to warm them up by way of sun lamps, hot baths, and even internal irrigation ("Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine |") .They also did tests on twins ("Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine |"). They examined and photographed every part of their bodies and then proceeded to kill, dissect, and study them ("Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine |"). Prisoners were also injected with poisons and diseases to find a cure for them. As Irene Hizme, a medical experiment survivor, recounts,” I remember injections. And then I’d be sick. And I remember having a high fever, because I know they were taking my temperature, somebody.” ("Nazi Medical Experiments") These are only a few of the many experiments that were

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