This gene regulates serotonin, which affects your mood, in the brain. However, a certain version of this gene does not have the ability to respond to the calming effects of serotonin. Astonishingly, this specific version is found in several serial killers, which was discovered from Fallon’s study. Moreover, this proves that it is likely that serial killers are created based on several biological factors that are evident in the gene makeup of fellow killers. In addition, those who believe human behavior is based off of nature utilize the term biological determinism in order to explain their opinion. Biological determinism refers to the idea that all human behavior is innate, determined by genes, brain size, or other biological features. Biological determinism is known widely to be science-based and possess an anthropological approach that aids in understanding criminality. Several thought criminals and serial killers possessed an innate impulse to commit crime. From this perspective and point of view, many would be convinced that nature is in fact that the factor that solely is the foundation of creating a serial killer, especially when combined with real
This gene regulates serotonin, which affects your mood, in the brain. However, a certain version of this gene does not have the ability to respond to the calming effects of serotonin. Astonishingly, this specific version is found in several serial killers, which was discovered from Fallon’s study. Moreover, this proves that it is likely that serial killers are created based on several biological factors that are evident in the gene makeup of fellow killers. In addition, those who believe human behavior is based off of nature utilize the term biological determinism in order to explain their opinion. Biological determinism refers to the idea that all human behavior is innate, determined by genes, brain size, or other biological features. Biological determinism is known widely to be science-based and possess an anthropological approach that aids in understanding criminality. Several thought criminals and serial killers possessed an innate impulse to commit crime. From this perspective and point of view, many would be convinced that nature is in fact that the factor that solely is the foundation of creating a serial killer, especially when combined with real