The argument of nature vs. nurture has been one of the oldest and one of the largest controversies on whether our influences come from our genes (nature) or environmental factors (nurture), and how it could affect our behavioral, appearances, development, and our personality. These two play a big role in the human development. This argument will always exist on what is said about the human development. Scientists have not been able to sort this argument out and decide which one rules out the other. There is no right or wrong debate, but to me I want to point out what debate I agree on that would have a bigger impact on development. Before I can choose and explain the two issues its important to fully understand what nature and …show more content…
A parent needs to learn the basic medical care and healthy foods for their kids to prevent poor nutrition and sickness. Nurture is the way you are taught and who you are around by. The way you are taught by someone and learn from is how you become who you are today.
Nature. In behavioral, nature plays a strong role for our temperament and how a child or ourselves will react when we are around it. In the infant, heredity plays stronger than the environmental factors for nurture. I believe in this role that nurture should over rule nature for the importance in the human development. I don’t believe we are born good or bad we learn from others around us how to act and how to behave, so in this part for behavioral I believe nurture is important.
Nurture. As a child, growing up we learn from the people around us how to act, talk, and how to behave in front of others. The culture we grow up in describes on whom we come out to be. There is some evidence that was found that a child’s behavior is important and strongly influenced to the human development. Nurture to me in behavior is important because the way we are treated and taught is how we act towards others.