This means that the variance of plants that can be used for medicine is extremely broad (Traditional). The folk healers in this area use medicine that was written about in the Bible, as it is one of the founding areas for this type of healing (Traditional). Unfortunately, this practice is fading because healers are not passing on their knowledge, and the environment is being destroyed by today’s urbanization, killing off many exotic species of plants regularly used for medicinal purposes (Traditional). A lot of plants in Israel have been traditionally used for the “rejuvenation” process; they are known to help with anti-aging (Traditional). They affect the death of cells and are now being further studied (Traditional).
According to Te Papa, a museum in New Zealand, Maori has had a strong impact with its own form of healing (Maori). With Maori medicine, illnesses are treated with spiritual healing, the power of karakia, the mana of the tohunga and by the use of herbs (Maori). Learning how to use plants for treatment can be very confusing because many of the names are similar or used for more than one plant (Maori). The most commonly used plants are Manuka, Koromiko, Harakeke and Kawakawa