There are similarities between the two governments but the structure of the Constitution is better than its predecessor the Articles of Confederation. To support this claim, there are multiple forms of textual evidence that can be used. To start, when the Constitution was first introduced as an improvement to the A.of C. two noteworthy rebellions are caused. (Doc. D and Doc. E.)…
Standing Up Who knew you could stand up for what you believe in by sitting down? Colin Kaepernick, the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, was doing exactly that when he sat down during the playing of the national anthem before a pro-football game; I agree and approve of what he did. He was protesting the different treatment of colored people and also the cops. After reading the article, ¨In the `Land of the Free,` Are You Free to Sit Out the National Anthem?¨ by Jaweed Kaleem, I learned that Colin Kaepernick is not the only one taking a stand.…
The punishment for the Atlee junior softball team to not participate in the Junior League World Series championship game was a little excessive. For example, when the author was explaining how some people on social media reacted, she said, “it’s equally unfair to disqualify the whole Atlee team over the actions of six members” (Payne 2). The other members on the team aren’t accountable for what their teammates did, so they shouldn’t be punished for it. Playing without those six girls for the whole game or even half the game would’ve been more reasonable than prohibiting the entire team from participating. Additionally, when the author shared how else the Atlee team was punished, she said, “Kirkland was chosen to replace Atlee in Saturday’s…
population that any attempt at disagreeing was pointless. Although initially reluctant, Washington eventually caved to the idea and participated in the Constitutional Convention. With Washington, the American epitome of a man, endorsing the convention, no state dared to miss it. Madison arrived in Philadelphia 3 weeks before the intended start date, intending to spend the preluding weeks preparing for the Convention.…
Restrictions usually result in rebellion by citizens. In Anthem, Equality was tired of living the way he was so he decides to run away into the Uncharted Forest (76). While he is in the forest, he finds a house and learns the word “I” which makes him feel free from the grasps of the council (94). According to the North Korean documentary, a 25 year old student managed to cross the border and is now living in China. The similarities in both societies is that there are people that can not stand the way they are being run and wants to leave.…
From their conception and drafting in 1776, the Articles of Confederation were nothing but a reaction to the English government. When possible, the colonists continually strived to do the exact opposite of what the English government would. This effort to avoid tyranny resulted in a decentralized, weak, inefficient, and financially poor government, one that was also nigh impossible to change and amend. Not only did this later spur reform, but it also gave impetus to “those who favored a strong central government” (persons such as Alexander Hamilton).…
Over the years, there have been many debates regarding the constitution. One common debate being whether or not the constitution is flexible enough to live through the generations. Jefferson, a founding father, has stated, “The Constitution belongs to the living and not the dead.” This statement does allude to the longevity of the Constitution, as can be demonstrated through the amendment process, the elastic clause, and judicial review. The amendment process has allowed the United States government to amend the Constitution.…
In order to resolve the differences, delegates from the majority of the states met at the Annapolis Convention in 1786. But they were not able to reach any agreeable conclusion. That led them to decide to meet again later in Philadelphia. In second convention, delegates observed that there is urgent need to frame an entirely new constitution. A key issue of conflict was the structure of the new legislative branch.…
The Pros and Cons of the Confederate Flag The Confederate Flag was the spark of controversy over the course of 2015. People voiced their opinions on whether or not the Confederate should be made illegal in the United States. The Confederate Flag symbolizes the Confederate States of America during the Civil War from 1861 to 1865 when the Southern States succeeded from the United States because of political tension. Ever since Southern States that were once part of this Confederacy fly this flag along with U.S flag.…
There has been a long discussion in society on weather or not kids should receive participation trophies. The people that disagree with giving kids participation trophy's say that giving kids participation trophy's will hurt them later in life by not teaching them the values of hard work. However the people that agree with giving kids participation trophy's say that they can make kids feel good and raise there self esteem. I agree with not giving participation trophy's because the value of hard work is very important.…
Over two-hundred years ago, the first experiment into a true democratic state began in the United States of America, with the signing of the Constitution. The United States had just won a war against the oppressive British Empire, and a new nation was born out of the independence. The Constitution was written at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, which was convened from May 25th, of 1787, until the Constitution was signed on September 17th, 1787. This was the first time that free men came together to establish a set of laws to protect the formation of a new nation. The Constitution includes ten original amendments, which are commonly referred to as The Bill of Rights.…
The United States is a land of arguments, by nature. Thankfully serious legal arguments can be settled through the judicial system if necessary, as the United States is also a land governed by law. However, interesting situations arise when the law itself is the subject of the argument. Even more interesting situations arise when the Constitution, the supreme law, is the cause for debate.…
The United States Constitution is one of the shortest, longest standing, and most ambiguous constitutions in the world. This document establishes a democratic republic of many states under one federal government. In outlining the responsibilities and powers of each branch of the government and how they relate to state governments, many questions are left unanswered. Though this constitution outlines legislation’s role fairly clearly, it is far too vague concerning executive and judicial roles and the relationship between state and federal government.…
According to Irving Janes (1972), groupthink occurs when a group makes an irrational decision because of group pressure fostering and the deterioration of ‘mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgement” (Irving, Janis, Victims of groupthink, p.9). Social influence is the effect that people have upon the beliefs or behaviors of others (Aaronson, 2004). Both groupthink and social influence theory have a factor in what we see as an ongoing reaction to the silent protest started by Colin Kaepernick in August 2016. In recent news on October 1, 2017 during a game between the Arizona Cardinals and the San Francisco 49ers, about 30 of the 49ers players took a knee during the national anthem.…
Malachi Thomas Mr. Westlund US History Per. 4 12 October 2015 Founding Documents Comparison The Declaration of Independence By Thomas Jefferson was signed on July 1, 1776, the Second Continental congress met in Philadelphia. On the that same day the 12 of the 13 colonies voted.…