In 2000 the election came down to 537 people in Florida but presidential elections generally aren't close. The 2012 election was decided by 6ish states, depending on your combination. …show more content…
How many Supreme Court Justices is a full court?
5. Name the three branches of government.
6. Who is the current President?
7. When prices rise what happens to demand?
8. What percentage of the federal budget is the department of Defense?
9. What percentage of the general public is gay or lesbian?
I think the first is simple enough. If you don't know who the president is you probably don't know what the law of diminishing returns is or how it applies to education or defense spending.
For the second and third I think you should know who is in control of the government. The same logic applies for the sixth question.
In Senatorial and Presidential elections the Supreme Court is a issue. If you don't know the most basic aspect you shouldn't have a say in its influence.
You should know the basic breakdown of the federal government.
Number seven demonstrates at least a partial understanding of basic economics.
Most people overestimate how much is spent on defense. If you don't understand how the federal government spends others money you shouldn't have a say in how it will spend others money.
Simply because LGBT issues are a big topic. Most people think about 20% of the country is gay. In reality it is 2%. This demonstrates a fundamental understanding or lack of understanding of society’s