The Importance Of Mandatory Voting

Improved Essays
The Voice Of America in Chains
Voting is a large part of what America is today. “Government of the people, by the people, for the people”. The voice of the people is what makes the big decisions in America and mostly through choosing who will represent us in our government in elections. This makes the vote valuable, because it has the power to make decisions and change outcomes. Although many will argue that Mandatory voting will provide a better representation of the Consensus, it will actually demote civic virtues and limit individual freedoms.
Additionally forcing citizens to vote is unconstitutional. Americans enjoy freedom of speech which right allows us to say what we wish and make our opinion known which includes the right to not share our opinion. Individualism would be diminished and we would be forced as a community to give our opinion with our without our consent. Consequently it limits freedom by taxing those who did not vote. This is directly benefiting the community at the expense of the individual. Civic liberty would be lost because not only does it hurt the individual but I hurts the community as a whole
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For example the Presidential campaign between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney was very close in some states. People who vote without preference in close elections could completely change outcomes. Forcing Voting is like forcing opinions often in conflicts that third party members may not understand. If Mom and Dad are deciding what car to buy and they ask their children to help decide it is probable that the family will buy a car that is unfit to the needs of the family, not to mention expensive. By forcing people into forming opinions on conflicts in which they have no preference the government limits

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