NASA Pros And Cons

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NASA gets $19.1 billion per year while the Military gets $700 billion. Due to this lack of funding, many NASA projects are in jeopardy. Research shows major benefits to giving NASA the funding they need. Although these projects are in jeopardy, many people think NASA gets enough, if not too much. Raising NASA’s funding would directly correlate to the safety and knowledge of American citizens. NASA has multiple telescopes that are dedicated to searching the solar system for asteroids and other objects that may threaten Earth. In fact, the Pan STARRS telescope located in Hawaii(Talbert), which is dedicated to searching for objects orbiting near Earth, has found the first observed interstellar object to pass through our solar system. These telescopes allow us to have an early warning about anything that may be dangerous to humanity, but, it also allows for major discoveries like this. As you may know, NASA landed a probe on an asteroid(Griecus). This was to learn about its mineral composition, which could lead to us polluting the Earth less because we could begin to mine the asteroids in the near future. …show more content…
NASA’s spokesperson, William Gerstenmaier said in an interview last July that with NASA’s current budget, they just don’t have the budget to get people to Mars in the 2030’s like previously thought(Lant). Stephen Hawking has said multiple times that if we do not colonize other planets, the human race will not survive. A possible project that Elon Musk Stephen Hawking are backing up which could send small, 2oz ships at 20% the speed of light to the Proxima Centauri system to observe planets and search for life(Malik). Imagine if we found alien life in the closest system to Earth. That would change science and society

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