How would you feel if you had to wait for something you really needed in order to survive? Imagine if you needed an organ transplant but couldn’t find a donor? According to “each day about 79 people receive organ transplants. However, 18 people die each day waiting for transplants that can’t take place because of the shortage of donated organs.” For many years, myths and misconceptions have prevented people from signing up as donors. Today I’m going to clarify some of the organ donation myths including: the black market, medical concerns, and religious belief.
According to the Center for Organ Recovery and Education (CORE) “the alliance with the National Organ Transplant Act, prohibits the buying and selling of organs.” So if it ever crossed your mind to sell one of your organs to pay for school tuition or just make some extra cash. DON’T! You can go to jail and pay a fine of up to $50,000 dollars. …show more content…
It might cross your mind “what if doctors know that I’m an organ donor and won’t work as hard to save my life?”( The American Transplant foundation explains this in three steps: “the first priority of a medical professional is to save lives when needed. Second, organ donation isn’t even considered or discussed until after death is declared. Third, typically the doctors who took care of you when alive are not involved in the transplantation process.” This myth is