Like in America, they have bills and coins with the faces of presidents of their country. She said families across the country view saving differently. After our discussion about saving she said that her family always saved in cash. Her parents, like many others, did not trust the banking system. Being in a communist country, the political structure was not trustworthy. In addition, she noted that her parents saved all their money within their residence, away from political grasp, hungry banks and nationwide recessions. Her parents are afraid of debt, hence why they saved in their house. Furthermore, her parents both own one credit card each, which they only use for bills. They pay everything in full, to prevent debt, even in the United States. Unlike Americans, they do not go into debt with credit cards. Like the government, going to the extent with laws to keep people in line, her parents went to the extent to ensure their finances from the government.
According to the BBC, “Vietnam, is a one-party Communist state…” meaning there is only one political party. The laws that were established in Mylinh’s country are to contain people and keep them in line, they are much stricter than it is in America. Some laws, America and Vietnam can agree on, such as prostitution and illegal drugs. These are two offenses which can result in some serious jail time in both countries. She also provided that anyone who …show more content…
On a social scale, our culture as well as Mylinh’s, are seen as steps into a better future. The way both cultures view the older generation is similar. They are viewed as wiser and much more knowledgeable. The difference in caretaking is upsetting. It is very common in the American culture to put the elderly into senior citizen homes. In Vietnam culture they all live in the same home. Mylinh’s ectnomorpic figure was most desirable. This look is achievable by eating the proper foods of her culture and diets. In American culture, the younger generations want to be more substantially sized. Whether it 's in the breast area or buttocks. This is because of young celebrities like Kylie Jenner, circulating in the mainstream media. This look is near impossible to achieve without the help of plastic