I am a person of integrity and honesty―the truth always matters to me at any given time. I was raised to always tell the truth no matter how painful the truth is. As I have grown …show more content…
I was taught by my parents to go an extra step to help someone in need. I try my upmost best to ensure that I can help whenever I can. If I see a poor person begging for money, I should assist them financially because I do not know my situation tomorrow. As the saying goes, what goes around comes back around. Some people belief that helping other people is not their responsibility and that the government should be able to assist them.
I believe that everyone is equal and they should be treated with the same respect and dignity. This personal ethics was taught by my parents, teacher and my religion. We live in a melting pot country, we so many diverse people from all over the world. One of the key challenges that we face is discrimination. I believe that discrimination is very unethical. Discriminating against someone with a disability is the most painful thing ever. Everyone should be treated with the same regard and given the same