Since they had such a large territory to take care over, the use of slaves was highly found within the countries. Indentured slaves could work for masters paying off their debt, prisoners captured from war, or take over, could also be used for slave labor and chattel slaves would be sold and bought for work also. As soon as the Muslim empire took over the continent of Africa it became apparent they were superior to the tribes found on the continent. They used this too their advantage taking over large amounts of tribal lands capturing slaves to be used for work at home and around the caliphate. The African population had no navy allowing no defense from the Muslim ships called galleys. Predominantly the African continent also did not have any forms of sophisticated governments causing no negotiations or counter offers to be made to the muslim superiors. Having no centralized governments caused tribes to appear scattered and discombobulated showing once again no defense against their …show more content…
Empires were physically more fit than other countries in the sizes of their armies and navies. Empires also had scholars, artisans, education, literacy, books, etc allowing the empire to be more mentally fit than a smaller foreign opponent. Foreign communities and countries had no centralized governments allowing them nothing but vulnerability during attack. Foreign countries also had economies based on hunting and gathering or staying in one place and growing enough to be self sufficient. These economies were not only inferior to the massive commercial economies of the empires of this time but, the economies did nothing to advance these communities forward. Another aspect that these foreign communities did not have was a navy. If a civilization did not have a navy they were automatically inferior to the militaries of empires who dominated the oceans and waterways. The Muslim empire conquered Africa with ease for these many reasons, quickly and without much loss. They showed how easy it was to manipulate a lesser civilization by being a superior empire at the time. It was also apparent the African population had flaws in its various systems allowing for their