My father is also not a musical person and can not carry a tune. As I was talking to him I found it very interesting to hear how he looks at music. The first question I asked him was “what is the first experience you can remember of music in your life?” I originally came up with this question because sometimes the way we are exposed to music helps shape our taste in music. My father responded by saying, “I can remember my grandfather playing the mandolin which was the first instrument I ever heard.”I found this to be an interesting answer because the mandolin is not a popular instrument. I then proceeded to ask him, “what is your favorite type of music?” He told me he does not have a favorite genre, but he enjoys music that his sons play for him. As our interview went along I asked him about his experience with music and how it has changed through out his lifetime. Many people in my father generation love the Beatles and The Rolling Stones, but my father is not into that music. In fact my father is not a huge fan of anyone band he just enjoys music that he can relate to. I then asked him “How has music impacted your life?” He response was interesting as he said “music is not a huge part of my life but when I hear a song about love it reminds me of the love I have for my family. In fact, when I first heard the song Oh Me Oh My by Buster Poindexter I loved it. I said the person who likes this song is the …show more content…
My father and uncle were both exposed to music through their grandfather yet they do not have the same outcome. As I interviewed my father I learned that music is not a huge part of his life as some other people but he does not think he could live without it. My uncle on the other hand believes that music is one of the most important things in his life and shapes the way he looks at life. My uncle uses the songs that he hears and incorporates different sounds and techniques in his own music. He appreciates music not only by the lyrics but also by the techniques that the artist presents in his song. The thing that both people agreed on was that they can not imagine what life would be like without music. I asked both of them “how has music changed throughout your life, and how has that effected your taste in music?” Both of them responded very similarly by saying that music is always constantly evolving, but they always enjoy the classics. Some songs were such a big part of their childhood that they are just universally liked. My father and uncle are only 5 years apart in age so the music they both grew up in the same generation of music. Certain songs that were popular in high school and college will be songs that they will always like because it reminds them of a time when they were with a great group of friends. Some songs are so popular that they will always be