Born in Kentucky, sold to the Scott Family the year is unknown. Found in the probate file of Samuel Scott, slaveholder, Easter as a young woman and mother along with her young family were listed, as chattel, her value was $1,000. Working as a field hand, a domestic servant, wife, and the mother of 15 children was a good woman and faithful wife. Through the years Easter suffered the loss of three of their children, the children Eviline, Harriet, and Barbara were all under the age of 14.…
Clarence Earl Gideon was pretty much a nobody. He had only culminated his studies up to the eighth grade and even ran away from home while he was still in middle school. As an adult he committed several nonviolent crimes and was sent to jail more than once. He was a drifter that spent a lot of time in and out of prisons until one day it caught up to him. One night Gideon was seen breaking and entering into a local Pool Room and stealing a couple of beers and money from a jukebox.…
On New Years in florida 1923, a woman named Fannie Taylor frantically left her home claiming a black man had entered her house and assaulted her. She fell unconscious for multiple hours before talking to the police. Robert walker the sheriff of the town got about 8 guys to help look for the intruder Fannie had described, A little while later more and more white men were furious over the event that they decided to join the search party for Fannies Violator. After searching for a while the search party decided it was time to bring out the blood hounds to help aid their search. The dogs then later lead the group to a black smith, Sam Carter’s home.…
This paper will inform you all about Bill Robinson and his carrer. Bill Robinson as known as “Bojangles” was a huge iconic African- American tap dancer and actor during the Harlem Renisance. Bojangles was best known for his Broadway performances and film roles.…
Tom Robinson Convicted of Rape and Getting Killed While Attempting to Escape Prison Tom Robinson was a black man living in Macomb county with a wife and kids when all of that changed on July 29 of this year. Robinson was passing by Miss Mayella Ewell’s house that evening and was asked to help Miss Ewell chop some chiffarobe. Later that night, he was accused of raping a white girl, Mayella Ewell, by Mayella’s father, Bob Ewell. Mayella had been beat about the face and neck and, according to Mr. Ewell, was caught raping Mayella Ewell.…
Neal Dow was a man who contributed to many causes during his time. He was a general for the union during the Civil War and was also very active in the cause of abolishing Negro Slavery. He was also a presidential candidate in 1880 for the Prohibition party. “Among additional social causes, he interested himself in crime prevention, prison reform, and women's rights” (Neal Dow Prohibition Presidential Candidate 1880). The cause he is most known for is the temperance movement which is the movement against the consumption of alcohol.…
R/s Payton was crying because he didn’t have his school supplies. R/s Payton said his dad kicked him out of the house last night. R/s according to Payton, his dad didn’t like what he said to him. R/s Payton said his dad was calling him fat. R/s Payton stated that he called his grandmother, Thomasina Stackhouse to pick him up.…
Have you ever wondered what Anson Jones life was like and why he mattered to texas and Texas History?Well today in this essay you are going to learn why he mattered to Texas and Texas History and what his life was like. Anson Jones was born on January 20,1798 in Great Barrington ,Massachusetts. His mom and dad was Sarah and Solomon Jones. He was the youngest child of 13 children. Anson’s mom died when he was 18 years old.…
James H. Morrison: Rights for All Louisiana Congressman James Morrison, serving in the United States House of Representatives from 1943 to 1967, did not fit the mold of a Deep South white politician in the 20th century. A moderate on civil rights issues, rather than a typical staunch segregationist, he supported the important Voting Rights Act of 1965, which aimed to extend a voice to voiceless southern blacks. In voting for this act, Morrison lost re-election to Congress in 1966 (“J.H Morrison”). Morrison voted for the Act, exemplifying political courage as described by John F. Kennedy in Profiles in Courage when he “triumphed over all personal and political considerations” and followed his conscience (Kennedy 18). The Voting Rights…
In 2003, Andre Thomas viciously attacked and killed his ex-wife and her two children, and was sentenced to death row. His defense argued that he was not eligible for death row because of his mental state. The court ignored the argument and passed it off, saying that they were using his illness as an excuse to “get out of” maximum punishment. As demonstrated in this case, mental illness is not given the attention it deserves when determining a sentence. Cases such as these have aroused concern how fair the criminal court is towards the mentally ill.…
Sam Houston was a well known camaraderie in the mid 1800s. Through out his life he was able to accomplish a lot and impact the lives of many; both the Natives and civilized Americans. Despite his down falls of being a "Big Drunk", Houston was able to create a big name for himself. In his 70 years of life, Houston managed to become a lawyer, Politian and Commander-and-Chief in the Army. Despite his great accomplishments, being man for the Natives and eventually earning the tittle of "The father of Texas" are among his greatest ones.…
In November of 1922, British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the sealed tomb of ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen, or "King Tut" as he came to be known. Carter meticulously recorded and described each of the thousands of artifacts found within the most intact ancient tomb ever revealed. His discovery made him a worldwide sensation and ignited interest in Egyptian archaeology. Despite modern criticism of his methods, Egyptologists continue to study and learn from Carter's rare…
I am writing about God Seth. He is a known as the God of the desert. His head is a falcon and sun disk. Seth is one of the most ancient Egyptian Gods. He was storm God also he was blamed for strange events such as live eclipes, thunderstorms and earthquakes.. He reprepresented extention of the foreign lands beyond the desert.…
John Calvin was one of the greatest theologians to live. He was most prominent in the “second wave of Protestant Reformation.” Calvin’s doctrine is one of the most-well-considered doctrines that still have an effect on Christianity today. This essay explains John Calvin’s understanding of Scripture; his understanding of Divine and human relationships; his thought about election, providence, how humans know and understand God; and lastly, his understanding of predestination.…
Woodes Rogers was certainly one of the most notable persons that have ever lived in the Caribbean. This Englishman had two big obligations in his life. At first, he was a privateer and later became the first governor of Bahamas. In both duties, his main targets were the pirates . Woodes Rogers took a great part in suppressing pirates in most of the Caribbean Sea .…