There are two key issues, which stand out while reading this article. The first issue is the considerable number of Aboriginal children living in out-of-home care in Manitoba (Puxley, 2015, para. 4). Morgan addresses the startling reality that …show more content…
Singha, Ellenbogen & Trocmé (2013), make the structural connection to Residential Schools by explaining that “the overrepresentation of First Nations children in out of home care extends a long historical pattern of state-sponsored removal of First Nations children from their homes.” (p. 2080). The practice of forcibly removing “children…from their families and [placing] them in institutions” as seen in Residential Schools (Nagy & Sehdev, 2012, p. 67), is structurally the same approach seen as Puxley (2015) describes Lee-Anne Kent’s experience, having her children taken from her and placed in an off-reserve foster care program (para. 8- 10). In both cases, the child is physically taken from the home and placed with an unfamiliar family/institution. This method enforces the statement made by Cora Morgan in Puxley’s article. She claims that the government is primarily concerned with removing children from their families, instead of a focus to implement programs, which promote family unity (Puxley, 2015, para.