In this article based on Charles Murray Middlebury case, Bert Johnson, chair of Middlebury political science department apologized for the violent student’s behavior. Johnson apologized in the campus newspaper. The article also explained that 30 Middlebury students received “accepted disciplinary sanctions”. I chose this source because it showed that the students didn’t have the courage to own up to their mistakes and apologize for the brutally attacking Charles Murray along with Allison Stanger (Middlebury professor). Why should an authority …show more content…
There had been a survey which was placed that showed the college students are limiting their freedom of speech. In the results of the survey “Approximately 19 percent of the 1,500 students said that violence is an acceptable course of action to prevent a person with “offensive” views from speaking”. This result proved why the students rather use violence which led to them assaulting Charles Murray rather than performing a peaceful protest. The article mainly sums up that colleges are prohibited from addressing certain topics. Rather than facing the facts/ reality, colleges sugar coats topics without making the students feel they are being discriminated against. I chose this article because it shows how arrogant the students can be based on the survey. The student’s feelings against “hate speech” gets in the way, which leads them to make poor decisions. Why should hard core situations be prevented from being discussed on college campuses? The first amendment is at issue because the students believes that the first amendment will protect them under every circumstance. The code of conduct is placed in every education environment because it shows that some rights may be limited. I chose this article because it gave me a clear perspective that some people can’t voice their thoughts without using violence. Hiding from real life situations …show more content…
Instead of speaking about his latest book students wanted to address the issue they came across with The Bell Curve. Students felt that the book was inappropriate to address at the school while racial profiling played a role. Although the students had a strong feeling about why they had so many hatreds against Charles Murray. The students didn’t take the time to read the book and fully understand the perspective of the bell curve. The students went off false claims and the wrong intentions that Charles Murray was degrading different types of races based on IQ scores the school address that everyone should be entitled to free speech and using physical force was never the answer. I chose this article because it was written by the president of Middlebury college. The author gave her thoughts about the incident that took place on march