Some people may feel this is a way to express their opinions which everyone is entitled to their opinion. Hate speeches are hostile remarks against a particular group. Any speech that facilitates hatred toward certain minority group based on factors of religion, gender or color shouldn’t be tolerated in any environment and if the other person is not there to share their opinion. In society today hate speeches can be anywhere for example graffiti, even the internet. People will post signs outside their homes so that their opinion can been shared. We all are entitled to freedom of speech but what is it when freedom of speech turns into a hate crime.
Begging the question could be used as the logical fallacy with this article. Freedom of Speech is our constitutional right. Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community to articulate one's opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or sanction. People will continue to express themselves no matter how anyone else feels about the comments. We can’t stop a person from expressing themselves based on that definition. Richard does express how hate speeches has effected the enrollments at some schools. Student want to attend a school that makes them feel