Microscope is an optical instrument that have magnifying lens which is used for inspecting objects that is too small to be seen or to be seen distinctly and in details by the unaided eye. Microscope also is an optical instrument that keep observe specimen in resolution and magnitude way. However, there are some microbes such as viruses that cannot be observe by certain microscope and this microbes has to be observe using electronic microscope which has more magnification power.
In this experiment, light microscope has been used to determine and observe the microbes by using scanning lens (4x), low power lens(10x), high power lens(40x) and immersion-oil lens(100x). There are several function of microscope that has been used to carry …show more content…
The mortality of the bacteria can be observe by using hanging drop method and wet mount method. Hanging drop technique is a well-established method for examining living, unstained, and very small organism. The hanging drop is where employs a glass slide with a circular concavity in the center into which a drop of fluid, containing the microorganism. Wet mount is the technique where a drop of water that contains the bacteria is put on the slide and covered by the cover slip to be observed under microscope. There are pro and cons in using this technique. For wet mound, it tend to dry out quickly under the heat of microscope light but it is used for short-term observation only while hanging drop is more complex technique but longer-term observation and more reliable observation of mortility. In this experiment, this two technique has been used to determine the mortality of bacillus sp. and moina micrura sp. From the result, we can see that bacillus and moina is moving when using the hanging drop technique while death when using the wet mount technique. This prove that hanging drop is the best technique to be used in this