Born on August 1, 1770, William Clark was the sixth son and ninth child …show more content…
They ended up with two large boats and six small canoes. They sent letters about the expedition and samples of animal and plant life discovered to President Jefferson in their original boat as it was sent back down river to St. Louis told Quiri (2001, p. 24). On June 3, 1805, the explorers came to a split in the river, they sent out groups to search each of the streams. Around June 13, they reached the Great Falls in Montana, where Sacagawea had once lived and home of the Shoshone, proclaimed Quiri (2001, p.27). They could not take their boats through the falls so they used trees to build trucks with wheels to carry them over land, taking nearly a month. Later, Sacagawea became very sick and Clark nursed her back to health. Lewis also became sick and after two doses of black liquid from boiled twigs his fever went down and he was no longer in pain. They came across wild animals frequently said Quiri (2001, p.