Beginning on the 31st of August, 1803, Lewis and Clark made their way up the Missouri River. After President Jefferson’s purchase of the Louisiana Territory, he appointed William and Meriwether to lead an expedition to explore the Missouri River. Through this expedition, they were to find a detour to the Pacific Ocean, by the Columbia River. Lewis and Clark, both faced difficult obstacles, saw land that was beautifully created by God himself, and discovered new people and cultures.…
After the Louisiana Purchase, Thomas Jefferson decided to have two explorers travel the land to see what was on there. Jefferson chose his secretary Merriwether Lewis, and he chose William Clark to be his partner. Then they assembled the Corps of Discovery, which concluded of 31 men and one dog named Seaman. Merriwether Lewis was one of the leaders in the group. He studied different rocks animals and plant life.…
According to Neiman (1997) before he became President Thomas Jefferson’s personal secretary in 1801, he “joined the U.S. Army in 1794, serving six years in the Frontier Army and rising to the rank of captain in 1800, then serving as paymaster of the First Infantry Regiment of the U.S. Army.” Lewis planned his journey west after Jefferson’s instructions. Congress approved the journey in 1803, they know it would achieve knowledge of continental geography and wildlife.…
Jefferson had many great visions and he wasn’t afraid to share those ideas with our country. Jefferson wanted this country to thrive and be prosperous. Jefferson hired Lewis & Clark to explore the unknown land and document everything while on their journey, so America as we know it could proceed with westward expansion. Ambrose informed us about Lewis & Clark’s journey and used wordplay to make it seem more realistic, while informing us about some of the things Lewis & Clark experienced on their journey…
Lewis and Clark shared command over a crew of forty solders, boatmen, hunters and a large dog. This expedition was later more commonly known as the Corps of Discovery. Lewis was the president's personal assistant at the time. President Jefferson's basic wants were to "assess the new lands' commercial possibilities, military prospects, and regional flora…
President Thomas Jefferson had an idea of expansion and once he convinced congress to allow him to send explores out west he did just that. Lewis and Clark headed the expedition that would lead them from the Louisiana Purchase to the Pacific Ocean. They played a vital role in the growth of Young America because of this expedition. America had many needs during the time of Lewis and Clarks expedition.…
I was a close friend to my fellow president Thomas Jefferson. We grew up together and Thomas always knew I loved all the plants and animals. Shortly after the Louisiana purchase Thomas Jefferson appointed me to lead the expodition with some U.S army voulenteers . However, I took my close friend second Lieutenant William Clark. William is a very smart man and I very highly respect him.…
Even, some Federalists of the Congress thought that the purchase was unconstitutional, Jefferson made a clever deal because buying the entire Louisiana territory, the American farmers and traders could transport freely their products through the Mississippi River until the Atlantic ports of New Orleans. Meanwhile, Jefferson asked the Congress to supported a “scientific expedition” to study the people, lands, animal and plants across the Louisiana territory. However, his truth intentions were reports of the Spanish and French military power in the region. Jefferson sent his private secretary Meriwether and an army officer Willian Clark for the expedition called “Corps of Discovery”, in which were to explore the Louisiana territory, the Oregon lands, and extended to the West Coast. This expedition occurs between 1804 to 1806.…
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are two of the most important presidents that has affected our nations independence and the foundation of the United States. They have turned this nation into a free and sovereign country. Washington and Jefferson were both raised in the Southern state of Virginia. However, Washington and Jefferson have innumerable differences in many aspects. They both came from different social status; Jefferson’s family was more well-known and prosper than Washington’s.…
A primary document can change a person’s historical interpretation by enlightens them upon the background of an event in history that could often be left out of secondary documents that are meant to inform the reader upon a part of history. As example of this is Jefferson's Secret Message to Congress Regarding the Lewis & Clark Expedition (1803) this primary document enlightens a person on the outturn that Jefferson was attempting to receive from Lewis and Clarks expedition to the western side of America. However the textbook fails to mission Jefferson’s alternative for the expedition. With in the secondary text Jefferson is said to only want Lewis and Clark to explore and find the most suitable area for trading ports.…
Here, Lewis and Clark decided to part ways in order to explore more of the Louisiana Territory. Lewis and nine men explored the Maria’s River to the north, while Clark and the others headed for the Yellowstone River in the south ("About Lewis & Clark Historic Trail."). On July 3, Lewis and his group left camp, crossing the Continental Divide and descended from the mountains near the Great Falls. He ordered his men to portage the supplies around the waterfalls, while he and three men went off to explore the Maria’s River. The Maria’s River was Blackfeet Indian territory, making it very dangerous.…
Although Thomas Jefferson’s views seemed to evolve, he was always adamant about his belief that the United States should be an agrarian nation. His home in Monticello, his views of the French Government and his role in the Louisiana Purchase all supported his agrarian beliefs. In 1770 he began the construction of his world renowned home in Monticello. Jefferson spent six years in France as a Commissioner and Minister, where he developed views of the French government and later used them to help form the government of the United States. In 1803, Jefferson more than doubled the size of the United States by carrying out the Louisiana Purchase.…
Magic Gucci Abraham had lived with his new owner for two years now, and they had finally found true friendship. Born and raised on a potato farm in Iowa, Jefferson was happy to have found a friend in Abe. Despite his upbringing, hard labor had never appealed to the boy. Teachers described Jefferson as a quiet, intellectual child, and he prefered to spend his time solving puzzles and creating anagrams rather than socializing with other children his age. Abe greatly admired his owner’s brightness, but Jefferson’s parent’s only goal for their son was for him to help on the family farm and eventually inherit it.…
“Jefferson at the White House” shows that Thomas Jefferson was a great man. In the article, it explains “around the walls were maps, globes, charts, books, etc.”. This shows that he was very intelligent in the important areas of geography and literature. It was important that Jefferson was superior to others when it came to these subjects because most people in this era were not well-educated and if he was intelligent, he could teach others the significance of an education. Further into the article, the author states that Jefferson could not live without something to love, and in the time that his grandchildren were away he tenderly cared for his bird and flowers.…
In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson had written that “all men are created equal.” However many people including Jefferson himself did not believe this statement was true for African American’s. The roots of the anti-slavery movement was dated all the way back to this time. Since the colonial times Quakers had taught that it was a sin for one human being to own another. Later on during the Second Great Awakening, ministers like Charles Grandison Finney called on Christians to join a crusade to stamp out slavery.…