Some of which is the staff limitation. The staff that's hired will need to have higher training because it will be needed when taking care of a mentally ill inmate. Not only that but they are to care of the inmates as well. If anything was to happen to an inmate under their care, then the staff member is held responsible because that inmate was under their watch. There's also the Jail cell structure for the mentally ill offenders. Some jail cells are designed for the mentally ill. But it's expensive to remodel the jail cells so there's not that many special designed jail cells for the mentally ill. These issues run deep and would require expensive solutions. There is of course Special Services Provided for the mentally ill inmates.
The mentally ill inmates receive medications. There might not be enough medication for all the mentally ill inmates. Also at times jails don't receive medical histories and information about the medications soon enough when a hospital patient is admitted. At other times the inmates refuse to take their medication and jail officials are not allowed to give medications instinctively. The inmates also receive counseling sessions. The counseling services are limited. There's limited mental health