In that case, his emotions affected his actions and how he treated others. In the film, Max, Max states, “Let’s just say that if you were to put the same amount of energy into your heart as you do to your speaking, you might have something going.” (Max) In other words, Max, even after Hitler’s sincere and impassioned speech, forces Hitler to question whether or not he is good enough to even deliver a speech in the first place. Emotion is a strong feeling--so strong it could potentially lead to various mental disorders and cause all sorts of issues within the individual. A person’s emotional response towards other people could quite possibly change a once positive mindset into one of …show more content…
Its heavy effect can cause serious problems as well. Granted, perhaps a relatively acceptable occasion to be jealous is any occasion that induces competitiveness and the desire to be a better person. However, the line becomes blurred when people become hurtful and violent due to covetousness. In Max, Hitler, in hate-filled exclamation during his speech, says “The purity of the blood. Because the secret of the Jews lies in their pure Jewish blood. That 's why they 're the mightiest counterpart to the Aryan race.” (Hitler) He strongly abhorred Jews, the reason being that all Jews he considered to be mighty because they are linked by their blood, forming a strong sense of unity. As a result, Hitler is apprehensive for the future and safety of German people. It was jealousy affected Hitler’s behavior towards the Jews, which led him to